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Vaughn Hill supports and actively participates in several missions around the world and the United States. Missions supported by Vaughn Hill spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to those who do not know Him.  Vaughn Hill actively supports missionaries throughout Africa and Southeast Asia. Our most recent area of support is for an orphanage in the Ukraine. Several members and bible classes have chosen to sponsor a child within the orphanage.

Comunity Hope Center

Our church is proud to partner with the community hope center.  We try and help donate money, food, clothing, toys, and time to this wonderful place.  It is great to be part of an organization that can do so much for our community.




Christian Family Services, Inc., (CFS), is a non-profit child placing agency that we support. They also provide christian counseling and have many events and seminars that encourage and strengthen families.

Children's Home Inc.

Children's Home Inc. is a children's home in Arkansas which we have supported for quite some time.  Every summer our teens take a group down to help out.

Orphanage in Ukraine


The ladies Bible Class is supporting a young lady named Sveta Muslimova in an orphanage in the Ukraine.  There is a need for over 600 more orphanage sponsors.  The cost is only $20/month.  If you are interested in helping, please contact Shirley Van Etten.



Our Chimala Mission helps support a hospital and school in Chimala, Tanzania. Vaughn Hill participates in this ministry by meeting on the first Monday of each month to prepare supplies and assemble care packages. Members of our family provide supplies, money and their time to support this ministry. The Chimala work has touched the lives of thousands of people within Africa. The ministry also helps spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to those who do not know Him.

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