Vaughn Hill Church of Christ
Life Group Questions
How Happiness Happens
"Lesson 2"
January 12th, 2024
First Impression…
How did you deal with the first major snowfall of 2025.
Read The Text…
Matthew 6:19-21
• What do you learn about God from this passage?
• What do we learn about people?
• How can you apply this passage?
Put Into Practice…
1. Who is the most generous person you know? What makes them so generous?
2. What are some things in your life that currently bring you the most happiness? Write them down or share them with the group. Do you think they are things that bring lasting happiness (or joy) or temporary happiness?
3. Discuss Corrie ten Boom’s statement, “I have learned to hold all things loosely, so God will not have to pry them out of my hands.”
4. Describe a time when someone was generous towards you. How did their generosity impact your life? Discuss how one act of generosity can create momentum for others to do the same.
5. How can you extend generosity this week using your time, talents, or finances?
Conclude in prayer.